InvestmentSHOULD YOU INVEST IN BEST PERFORMING MUTUAL FUND?Jake TheodoreMarch 2, 2022March 2, 2022 by Jake TheodoreMarch 2, 2022March 2, 20220728 Are you new to the investment world? Do you wonder if you should invest in best performing mutual funds? Well, fret not. You are not...
InvestmentDON’T MAKE THESE FIVE MISTAKES WHEN INVESTING IN MUTUAL FUNDSJake TheodoreMay 26, 2021 by Jake TheodoreMay 26, 20210927 There are several factors that can go wrong in your investment journey. If you are new to investment world, there are several things you might...
FinanceWHEN IS THE RIGHT TIME TO INVEST A LUMPSUM IN MUTUAL FUNDS?Jake TheodoreJanuary 28, 2021 by Jake TheodoreJanuary 28, 202101281 When people talk about mutual fund investments, the first thing that crosses the mind of an investor is Systematic Investment Plan (SIP). SIP investments help...